First Friday Santa Cruz



Lexis Rubenis

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Mixed Media

Lexis, an acclaimed abstract artist, developed his distinctive style through a journey that began with a passion for street art in his youth. Captivated by the freedom of expression found in various art forms, he delved into the world of making pictures after attending an acrylic painting workshop that emphasized Abstractionism in the year 2000. His artworks are celebrated for their immersive qualities—often leaving viewers transfixed in thought and lost in the beauty. His work is known for its meticulous painting techniques and rich textural depth. Lexis' paintings and drawings are self-described as "subconscious imagery," providing both elegance and subjective interpretation to the viewer. His continual experimentation with materials and techniques ensues, making his visual art, photography, and design profoundly impactful and memorable.

First Friday Artist Registry

The First Friday Artist Registry is an opportunity to connect your work with First Friday venues, curators and general art-enthusiasts. Register today and create a profile that will be viewed specifically by people looking for artists to show. Setting up a profile takes minutes and you can update it and make changes anytime you like. An annual subscription costs only $40.