An allegorical story. Two kings are at war. The Sun King and the Rain King. The Sun King represents insensate confidence and absolutism, the Rain King is the broken heart of insecurity. They battle and sometimes they forget who they are and which side they are on. Sometimes one side wins, and sometimes they both lose. The battle is fought over and over, with clubs, with swords, with guns, with words, and silently at night in restless sleep.
Laamisha Young is an artist whose work is a kind of show and tell; a visual call and response between certainty and insecurity, action and restraint; and familiar and new uses of materials. She intends to reflect the art process in as honest a way as possible. To that end, her work is always done in response to the work itself rather than an idea of what the work should be. Images and objects come from the experience of work and materials rather than concepts. The concept is the impetus informing the initial decision-making but doesn’t take precedence over the material or the action of making.
“Soft Foam Casting Workshop”
Saturday, January 25, 3:00pm – 4:30pm
Soft foam brooch pin making workshop, stress ball, SCULPTURE
Space and materials are limited, first come first serve, $5 material donation suggested
Please RSVP to to secure your spot