First Friday Santa Cruz

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Megan Hurst Deleon

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My name is Megan Hurst DeLeon, and my life's canvas has been painted with strokes of creativity, exploration, and resilience. Born in the vibrant city of Long Beach, California, I was destined to find beauty in the world around me. From the sunny beaches to the bustling streets, my surroundings fueled my passion for artistic expression from a young age.

Growing up in Long Beach was like living in a kaleidoscope of colors and cultures. Surrounded by diversity, I learned to appreciate the richness of life's tapestry. One of my earliest memories is of my mother's garden, where she nurtured a vibrant array of flowers. Together, we would spend hours tending to the blooms, and it was here that my love affair with nature began. These moments of connection with the earth would later inspire my artistic endeavors.

As I embarked on my journey into adulthood, I pursued my passion for art at the University of California. Under the guidance of esteemed professors Eleanor Anton and Faith Ringold, I delved into the world of painting. Their mentorship ignited a fire within me, pushing me to explore new techniques and styles. Yet, as I immersed myself in the world of art, I felt a longing for something more, a desire to capture life's fleeting moments in a different medium.

It was during this time that I discovered photography—a medium that spoke to my soul in ways I never imagined. Behind the lens of a camera, I found freedom, the ability to freeze time and immortalize the beauty I saw in the world. With each click of the shutter, I felt a sense of exhilaration, knowing that I was capturing moments that would last a lifetime.

As life unfolded, I found myself starting a family of my own. Balancing the joys of motherhood with my artistic pursuits, I temporarily set aside my camera to focus on nurturing my loved ones. Yet, even in the midst of this new chapter, the pull of creativity never waned. It was during this time of reflection that I realized my true calling lay not in clinical counseling, but in the world of art.