First Friday Santa Cruz

Artist Profile

Artist Profile

Whitney Mitchell Wirtz

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In my work I aim to create a sense of tranquility and feeling of nurturing as a way of recovering our sense of self in a chaotic world. The art is happy and colorful with contrast and organic marks bringing a deeper sense of movement and interest in my paintings. I want you to discover where it might take you- a restful place or somewhere far removed from the everyday and mundane. I believe art should be more than visual, I want it to be an experience for the viewer. I paint to make us feel that we are all seen, accepted, understood and included in this world as a part of our greater shared experiences.

My current abstract series focuses on the movement and flow of water and the meeting of the sea & sky. I use a mix of acrylic, inks and graphite to explore nature and movement.

As a local Santa Cruz Artist and Interior Designer I work from my home art studio in the Pleasure Point area. I have been drawing, painting and working with three dimensional form since early youth, I started my studies of art in high school and then continued at Cabrillo College & received my Associate of Arts in Design and Humanities and a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design and Design Management. After taking an extended absence from painting for over a decade, I renewed my passion for painting in 2015. I used to do a painting every 2-3 years, but in Spring of 2015 I did a few paintings for my sister's birthday and I haven't been able to stop painting since.

Im deeply inspired by the natural world, bold color, organic detail & the geological diversity of the California coast. I am the founder & primary designer at Whitney Design Studios and continue to make art an essential part of every day life.