Beloved Bolton, is an oil painter currently residing in Santa Cruz California. Originally from Baltimore Maryland, Beloved has been painting since attending high school at the Baltimore School for The Arts. She earned a BFA at Maryland Institute College of Art and a master's as a Marriage and Family Therapist. She is currently employed at Santa Cruz County Behavioral Health.
Beloved's paintings are illustrative in nature, with subjects often based on diverse mythological narratives, books, movies and portraits. She reimages classic themes with psychedelic and dynamic compositions using vibrant colors to both evoke drama and apply a cheerful lens on otherwise morbid themes. Her use of collage as a compositional foundation lends the paintings a unique and sometimes frenetic design. Collage and paper drawing will occasionally find its way into the final product in a subtle diversion to mixed media.
While Beloved is always striving to incorporate new techniques of visual expression, she is devoted to the physicality of oil painting as sanctuary from the transient pace of modernity. Beloved aspires to capture the spirit of her subject in oil, as a breathing snapshot of a moment existing beyond its corporal limitation.